Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 16, 2010

I want to first start by saying that I am not becoming a cat lady, but as I write this post I have a tiny kitten asleep on my chest. While in Bamenda Thursday night, Thryn and I heard this really sad crying out side of the house, upon closer inspection we found a tiny kitten. She is absolutely precious and probably around 5-6weeks of age. She is white with black spots that kind of make her look like a figurine cow. For me it was love at first sight, for her it was the complete opposite. She was filthy from being outsdte for who knows how long, so I quickly dunked in a pot for a bath. It took forever to get most of the fleas off of her but she was definitely a shade lighter when she dried. I have decided to call her Lela, which is the name of the annual festival held in Bali. It also means, “night” in Swahili. The real test will be when I take her home to meet Pockets. If it does not go well I will ask around for another home for her, but I am thinking Pockets will enjoy the company (once she warms to the idea). The best part of the story is that we believe she is Linus’s (Thyrn’s cat) daughter. She has similar markings, down to the black spots under her feet, to the same mannerisms. We’re assuming the mother dropped her off on the door step as a screw you buddy, I mean who on earth would let a man get away with that these days???
This week has been crazy busy which is great but extremely exhausting. I spent all day today at a workshop on project writing with the Nkumu Fed Fed ladies. I arrived at 7 (for a meeting the lady didn’t show up for, whatdyaknow?) and didn’t get back to the transit house until close to 8 o’clock. I will post another blog once the entire weekend is completed with more details. Unfortunately I am missing a wedding in Njinikom because of the Annual General Meeting. Oh well, I hope to get to see one some day!
Pictures to come soon!

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